News and statements

23 November 2016

NHS Blood and Transplant donate bloodmobile to Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Health

On Wednesday 23 November NHS Blood and Transplant will donate a decommissioned bloodmobile to Antigua and Barbuda

27 October 2016

Star line up call on the black and Asian community to #Represent

MOBO partners with NHS Blood and Transplant to launch celebrity-fronted campaign to recruit a new generation of blood donors.

11 October 2016

Missing Type campaign inspires 24,000 new blood donors

The Missing Type campaign to highlight the need for more new donors has inspired 24,000 people across England to sign up to give blood.

10 October 2016

Royal Shakespeare Company actors back campaign for new blood donors

BLOODY scenes aplenty feature in Shakespeare’s works. But three Royal Shakespeare Company actors have stepped from the stage and into the donation chair to give blood for real.

26 September 2016

70 years of life saving blood donations

Volunteer blood donors have been helping to save lives for 70 years. Now, NHS Blood and Transplant is calling on young people to be the blood donors of the future, as they celebrate the creation of the National Blood Transfusion Service 70 years ago.

17 September 2016

NHSBT celebrates lifesaving stem cell donors and transplants

More than 3,600 patients have received potentially lifesaving bone marrow and stem cell transplants during the last 30 years, thanks to the kindness of strangers.

24 August 2016

Eastenders and Dr Who actor makes surprising discovery after donating blood

Eastenders and Dr Who star Joivan Wade gave blood and found out that his blood makes him a very valuable donor.

16 August 2016

Global call for blood donors of the future

Blood services around the world join Missing Type campaign to reverse decline in new donors.

16 June 2016

Honoured for raising awareness of blood and organ donation

Dapo Odumeru, who has been with NHS Blood and Transplant since 2005 made it his personal mission to raise awareness of blood and organ donation with the Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.

14 June 2016

Blood donors texted when their blood goes to hospitals to save lives

In a new initiative, blood donors across England are now being sent a text message when their blood goes to a hospital to save or improve patient lives.