News and statements

05 March 2020

Call for more black men in London to become blood donors

There's been a gender imbalance in new donors in recent years.

02 March 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

If you have travelled to a coronavirus risk area or been in contact with the virus, please read our latest advice before donating.

17 February 2020

Couple celebrate Valentine’s Day with lifesaving joint blood donation at Bradford Donor Centre

Lucy and Greg Shaw of Bingley, West Yorkshire, made a life-saving appointment to give blood together

05 February 2020

NHSBT partner with video game ‘Table Manners’ to promote giving blood this Valentine’s Day

Players of the video game will be encouraged to start donating blood as part of our ‘What’s Your Type?’ Valentine’s campaign

04 February 2020

Blood mobile comes to London

We’re trialling a different way to give blood.

03 February 2020

Ugo Monye has a rush of Flood to the head

The BT Sport team pin their hopes on Toby Flood in an effort to recruit more male blood donors

03 February 2020

Is David the biggest lifesaver in England?

David is the most common name among male blood donors, NHS Blood and Transplant has revealed, to support its campaign for more men to start donating blood.

28 January 2020

Local air ambulance supports O negative appeal after lifesaving transfusion

The importance of giving blood and the impact it can have on saving someone’s life is clear in 17-year-old Oliver Berry’s story.

10 January 2020

Target for new male donors up 26% for 2020

The need for young men to start donating blood is vital due to a serious gender imbalance in new donors

31 December 2019

NHSBT is asking men to become lifesavers this New Year

The new campaign will ask more men to get involved and donate in 2020