News and statements

18 June 2015

News: New blood in Glastonbury Line Up

NHS Blood and Transplant encourages festival goers to be this year’s 'headline act'

12 June 2015

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Adults more likely to know lyrics from Bohemian Rhapsody than their own blood type

05 June 2015

New blood donors in decline: 40% fewer new blood donors in 2014/5 than 2004/5

Friday 5th June 2015: In advance of National Blood Week (8-14 June 2015), NHS Blood and Transplant has revealed that 40% fewer new volunteers came forward across England and North Wales to give blood last year compared to a decade ago.

25 March 2015

NHSBT Statement in response to the Penrose Public Inquiry Final Report

I would like to express my sympathy on behalf of NHS Blood and Transplant to patients and their families affected by emerging infections before adequate safety measures could be identified and implemented.

02 March 2015

Minister for Health visits North London blood bank to launch innovative Blood 2020 strategy

Jane Ellison MP, Minister for Public Health, launched NHS Blood and Transplant’s Blood 2020 strategy with a visit to Colindale blood centre, North London.

24 February 2015

Innovative five year Blood Strategy to shape the future of blood services in England and North Wales

The strategy sets out a range of initiatives that will build on recent success and help achieve our ambition of being the best organisation of our type in the world.

16 February 2015

NHS Blood and Transplant first in UK to use Next Generation Sequencing for HLA typing bone marrow donors

Clinical scientists at NHS Blood and Transplant are pioneering the use of Next Generation Sequencing DNA testing to tissue type bone marrow donors and cord blood units.

29 January 2015

Support World Cancer Day and make a difference this February

NHSBT is calling on residents in England and North Wales to think about those who are battling cancer when they make their blood donations this month.

28 January 2015

Industrial action on 29 January suspended: all blood donation sessions running as usual

You may have seen in the national news that the industrial action planned across the NHS in England on 29 January has been suspended. This means that all blood donation sessions on this day will be running as usual.

26 November 2014

NHSBT explains recent communication to Ro donors

We recently wrote to some of our donors who we have identified as having an Ro subtype of their Rhesus blood group, to explain that, wherever practical to do so, we would prefer them to donate on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.