News and statements

19 June 2014

Volunteers Needed from BAME Communities to Join the Greatest Team in the world and give blood

Figures have been released by NHS Blood and Transplant to coincide with the start of National Blood Week (9-15 June) to encourage more people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities to donate blood and save lives.

09 June 2014

NHSBT issues team call up for new blood donors

Around 118,000 more first time donors are needed to attend a blood donation session between now and the end of December to protect blood supplies.

27 May 2014

NHSBT join forces with East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service

This is the first time that NHS Blood and Transplant, which collects donated blood in England and North Wales and manages the UK's organ donation system, has entered into a potentially life-saving partnership with an emergency service.

20 May 2014

Give blood and be part of the Greatest Team in the World

Adrian Chiles and Lee Dixon recreate iconic football images to encourage people to donate blood this summer

07 May 2014

Embarassing Bodies demystifies blood donation process

Popular Channel 4 programme, Embarrassing Bodies, featured Dr Pixie donating blood live on the programme on Tuesday 6 May.

17 March 2014

NHSBT makes special appeal to O negative and B negative blood donors

Eligible blood donors in England and North Wales who are O Rh negative (O negative) and B Rh negative (B negative) are being asked to call now to make an appointment to give blood in the next few days or weeks, to help rebuild stocks of these groups.

31 January 2014

Young donors asked to be 'One in a Million'

Young blood donors are being called upon as part of a new campaign to increase the number of people on the British Bone Marrow Registry (BBMR).

14 January 2014

Statement: NHS Blood and Transplant addresses delays for donors at sessions

An article in The Times, published on 14 January 2014, highlighted that administrative reasons prevented around 24,000 donors from giving blood after attending a blood donation session last year.

19 July 2013

Statement: False online and social media rumours suggesting NHS Blood and Transplant was privatised

PRUK, a UK firm which worked with plasma products, was part-sold to an American company several years ago but blood donation has not been privatised.

18 October 2011

Statement: DoH publishes outcome of Commercial Review of NHSBT

NHSBT welcomes the findings of the Department of Health’s review of its commercial effectiveness and support for its plans to improve its efficiency and effectiveness and deliver further savings to the NHS as an arm’s-length body.