News and statements

Eastenders and Dr Who actor makes surprising discovery after donating blood
Eastenders and Dr Who star Joivan Wade gave blood and found out that his blood makes him a very valuable donor.

Global call for blood donors of the future
Blood services around the world join Missing Type campaign to reverse decline in new donors.

Honoured for raising awareness of blood and organ donation
Dapo Odumeru, who has been with NHS Blood and Transplant since 2005 made it his personal mission to raise awareness of blood and organ donation with the Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.

Blood donors texted when their blood goes to hospitals to save lives
In a new initiative, blood donors across England are now being sent a text message when their blood goes to a hospital to save or improve patient lives.

NHS uses virtual reality technology to attract new blood donors
Members of the public encouraged to give virtual blood donation to see the life-saving transformation of patients before their eyes.

TV stars ask people to say 'I'm on it'
Blood cancer charity ACLT (AfricanCaribbean Leukaemia Trust) and NHS Blood and Transplant have teamed up to launch a new campaign film.

Recruiting Donors to the BBMR - changes effective 1st April 2016
Over the past year, Blood Donation teams have done a remarkable job recruiting donors to the BBMR, especially young donors and those of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

NHSBT asks AB+ women to donate blood less frequently
NHS Blood and Transplant is writing to female blood donors with the AB + blood group to let them know that we will invite them to give blood less frequently than they may be used to in future.

NHSBT response to the Zika virus
There is a lot of media interest in the UK about the Zika virus. NHS Blood and Transplant is implementing precautionary measures around blood donation.

One million people now registered with one of the world’s largest online blood donation appointment booking services
One million people across England and North Wales are now registered to book donation appointments online, making it one of the largest digital booking systems of any blood service in the world.