News and statements

02 July 2020

100,000 people have now offered to donate COVID-19 convalescent plasma

We are appealing for more people to donate plasma for a national treatment trial.

02 July 2020

Giving blood in Leicester remains essential travel

We are urging blood donors in Leicester to keep donating as normal if they are fit and healthy, as the city enters another two weeks of extended lockdown measures.

23 June 2020

Men make more coronavirus antibodies than women, making them better plasma donors

New analysis found men produce higher levels of COVID-19 plasma antibodies than women.

19 June 2020

This Sickle Cell Awareness Day, NHSBT is urging more black people to register as blood donors

This World Sickle Cell Awareness Day (Friday 19th June), NHS Blood and Transplant is urging more black people to register as blood donors to help save and improve the lives of sickle cell patients.

17 June 2020

Asian donors more likely to have COVID-19 convalescent plasma which could save lives

People from Asian communities who have recovered from COVID-19 are more likely to have the antibody-rich convalescent plasma which can save lives, according to early analysis.

17 June 2020

New text messages led to more than 10,000 people registering as COVID-19 plasma donors

New text messages from the national testing programme led to 10,370 people registering as potential COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors over Monday and Tuesday.

12 June 2020

New donor centres opened to support call for COVID-19 plasma donors in London

NHS Blood and Transplant is opening three new ‘pop-up’ COVID-19 convalescent plasma donor centres in London, as it massively expands collection.

08 June 2020

Blood samples used for coronavirus surveillance

Routine samples from blood donations are being made available to monitor the spread of coronavirus.

08 June 2020

Superdrug nurses support major convalescent plasma programme

Nurses support programme in London, Manchester and Birmingham, as appeal for donors continue

03 June 2020

First patient, a child, receives convalescent plasma through RECOVERY, the dedicated COVID-19 treatment trial

The first person to be randomly selected to receive convalescent plasma through RECOVERY has now received a transfusion.