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“I’m grateful to be healthy enough to donate”
Emma Saunders reflects on her decade of donating platelets

Blood plasma: making all the difference to patients
For the first time in 20 years, we are collecting plasma from UK donors to make life-saving medicines.

"I don't know how you deal with all that blood"
Paramedic, Tanoh, on life on the emergency front line.

Is your personality linked to your blood group?
Martin Maley explores the possible link between blood type and personality and asks the question, does your blood type influence more than how your donations are used?

Giving blood saved my life
Alan Jasper has given blood more than 80 times. But when a low haemoglobin level last year meant he couldn’t donate, it led to a diagnosis that ultimately saved his life.

Universal blood components – the way of the future?
Matching blood groups is vital for safe transfusions, but scientists are looking at creating blood that’s suitable for everyone.