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Read the latest Donor stories here...

Meet the Donor - Sanjiv Gohil
Ten years ago, Sanjiv, now 60, anonymously donated a kidney to someone on the national transplant waiting list.

Functions of blood: transport around the body
One of the key functions of blood is transport.

Our new IT system is helping to make your donation experience even better
If you’ve donated since March 2021 at one of our many venues, there’s a chance you’ve already experienced our new IT system first-hand.

Plasma for life-saving medicines
Plasma makes up most of our blood. It’s the fluid that carries everything around the body, including antibodies which help fight bacterial and viral infections.

Making your donation safe
Although national COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, we have kept a few changes in place to make donating as safe as possible for everyone. Follow these tips to make sure your donation runs as smoothly as possible.

It’s Organ Donation Week!
This September we’re all set for our biggest Organ Donation Week ever!

Ask the Experts - Autumn 2021
Ask the Experts

Meet the Donor - Celia Kent
A brand-new regular feature to celebrate the inspirational people who have transformed the lives of others through living donation.

“Plasma donation is the reason I have two healthy little boys”
When Kes Earl’s son was born, he needed immunoglobulin, a medicine made from plasma.

Our new NHS Give Blood app
We’ve updated our app to make it easier to search for and book your next appointment.