Who you could help
Your blood saves lives. Your blood donation is an amazing gift to people who need it in an emergency or for ongoing medical treatment.
We need nearly 5,000 people to give blood every day to meet the needs of hospitals and patients. We specifically need new Black donors to provide blood donations for Black patients with sickle cell disease. They need life-saving blood from Black donors, which provides the closest match to their own. Find out how donated blood is used.
Real life stories
The amazing stories below show just how giving blood helps to save lives.

Kehinde and Angel's story
Angel was rushed into hospital when experiencing a crisis a few years ago.

Dionne's story
Dionne was diagnosed with sickle cell anaemia at 9 months old.

Cianna, 16, was diagnosed with sickle cell at three days old and experienced her first severe pain episode, known as a sickle cell crisis, on her first day at primary school.

Chanel was first diagnosed with sickle cell at the age of nine months and has relied on regular blood transfusions to keep her alive ever since.

Tasmin and Cameron
Cameron needed his first red cell exchange at the age of six after suffering a crisis.