Changes to how we record your sex assigned at birth and gender
To make sure our donors and patients receive the best care possible and as part of our continuous drive to be inclusive, we have made some changes to how we record your sex assigned at birth and gender.
What has changed?
From 8 July 2024, we will ask your sex assigned at birth, as well as your gender when you sign up to donate.
- Sex assigned at birth - this is the sex that was recorded on your original birth certificate
- Your gender identity - this is how you identify yourself now

Why we need this information
The way blood is collected and processed is different for males and females.
We need to know your sex assigned at birth and your current gender identity because they affect:
- how we match your donation to patients
- how often you can donate
- what tests we do on your donation
We want to make sure your donation is safe for patients and that you are not at risk of harming yourself by donating too often.
We are following the advice of JPAC – the Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee.
The JPAC has advised that using both sex assigned at birth and gender identity brings extra safety for donors and patients as well as improving the health screening experience.
How we ask for this information
If you’re new to donation, you will be asked your sex assigned at birth when you first sign up.
If you are already a donor and your gender is different from your sex assigned at birth, please contact us so we can update your account. You do not need to take any action if your gender and sex assigned at birth are the same.
Call us on: 0300 123 23 23.
To protect your privacy and confidentiality, neither your gender nor sex assigned at birth will be visible in your online account.
Your right not to answer
We understand that you may not want to disclose your sex assigned at birth. We will offer an option if you prefer not to answer.
If you prefer not to say, we will treat you on the safest clinical guidelines – those that apply for females.
Get key information on donating blood if you are transgender