Are you the giving type?
We're celebrating our amazing donors and inviting the nation's giving types to donate.
As a nation, we're a generous lot. Whether that’s giving up our seat on the train, to giving hard earned cash for good causes.
You could say giving, it's in our blood.
But it's blood and plasma we need more people to give to save lives.
So, we're calling on all the giving types to start giving blood or plasma.

How giving helps
Blood donations can be used:
- for life-saving emergencies, like surgery and childbirth
- for life-enhancing treatments
- to combat cancer
- to help fight sickle cell
Plasma is part of your blood that can make life-saving medicines.
These medicines can be used to treat:
- cancers
- rare diseases
- immune disorders
- genetic conditions
Meet the nation's giving types
Ronald donates blood to give something back to the community

Youth worker Ronald has been a blood donor since the 1990s and has donated a total of 79 times.
He is passionate about blood donation and believes it is a great and easy way to give something back to the community.
Ronald is also a member of B Positive Choir and in 2018 made it to the finals of Britain’s Got Talent, allowing them to spread the message loud and wide about the need for blood donations.
Ronald said, "I've been donating blood for a few decades now - I enjoy the experience of donating blood as it's a very quick process and I know it'll always be of benefit to someone.
"I do like being able to go with friends to donate as it's a way of sharing a positive experience with a friend."
Alice gives plasma to help others

Alice is a giving type. She travels to Birmingham to donate because she is interested in medicine and helping people – she hopes to become a doctor one day.
"I found it was something I could do more regularly than donating blood and I just enjoy helping people,” said Alice.
"I really enjoyed it and the staff were so friendly.
"As a 17-year-old, I did find it a bit scary to be in the donor centre environment with the donation machines, but the staff were so friendly that it was a really positive experience.
"I would say to other people that it’s a really good thing to do and it helps a lot of people – you don’t realise how many people need plasma medicine until you find out more about it.
"It might sound scary at first but it’s fine and you are surrounded by a lot of friendly people."